Transforming Education


Comprehensive Behaviour Support and Positive Handling Training in Thailand.

At Safe Schools Thailand, we are committed to delivering high-quality training and consultancy services that meet the needs of schools in Bangkok and beyond. The team brings extensive experience and local knowledge of the international school sector in Thailand, ensuring that our approach is both effective and ...

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Our Mission

Our singular ambition is to promote greater inclusion. We do this by supporting schools in creating safe and orderly environments with a positive and proactive climate. This enables all students to achieve academic and social/emotional success.

We are committed to training staff in acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to provide effective trauma informed behaviour support. This would include to students exhibiting intense or high frequency levels of dysregulated behaviours ('Challenging' behaviour).

Entry level courses assume no prior knowledge of trauma informed practice or Positive Behaviour Support and are delivered in an accessible and engaging format.

How We Do This

Trauma Informed Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports (TiBPIS) is a unified theory blending trauma informed practice with school wide positive behaviour support. Through the application of a 3 tiered continuum of support TiPBIS is designed to meet the emotional and behavioural needs of all students.

Tier 1 schoolwide supports perform a proactive preventative function and meet the needs of most students. Tier 2 and 3 supports enable staff to intensify supports for students presenting more complex challenging behaviours.

These behaviours may be linked to adverse childhood experiences, a cognitive impairment or an intellectual disability. TiPBIS is applicable within both general and special education settings.

Why Safe Schools Thailand?

We have been working with schools in Thailand for 15 years. Schools that we partner with can be confident that their staff are utilising an explicit evidence-based framework to support and guide practice, one which research proves will be successful in delivering positive outcomes for students, staff and their families. (Horner, Sugai & Lewis 2020).


Include improved wellbeing and behaviour, reductions in restrictive practices, reductions in exclusions and administrative referrals, and enhanced academic performance. Improved staff wellbeing, job satisfaction and retention.

What Are Trauma Informed Approaches ?

The Literature identifies five consistent principles which underpin trauma informed approaches.

Recognise and Respond

Provide Safe Environments

Take a Strengths Based View

Building Relationships

Promote Equality of Access

What is PBS?

The evidence from the research is clear: behaviours of concern and implementing restrictive practices can typically be reduced with positive behaviour support (PBS) strategies!


Ensuring the person is always at the centre


Working closely with the person and their supporters to shape the process


Creating a clear and positive Behaviour Support Plan (BSP) to ensure shared understandings and accountability


Focusing on being preventative, not just reactive


Using a Functional Assessment to know the reason for the behaviour


Following a process of identifying, assessing, planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating data

Get in Touch With Us

We'd love to hear from you! Feel free to get in touch with any questions, comments, or inquiries you may have. We'll get back to you as soon as possible. 

Please use the contact form below 


Telephone: 086 037 8168 

