Pathways to Training

Pathways to Training

Pathways to Training

There are two pathways to training:

1.Practitioner courses- we provide one of our qualified and experienced consultants to deliver training directly to your staff


2. Train the Trainer (‘in house’ instructor) courses. We train members of your staff team to cascade our training across your school community.

We offer ‘Closed’ and ‘Open’ courses for both the practitioner and instructor programmes.

Closed’ courses are commissioned by individual schools and delivered on site exclusively to that school’s staff team.

Open’ courses are organised by Safe Schools Thailand. Any school can book places on these courses which are run periodically in Bangkok the Provinces and elsewhere throughout SE Asia

As well as face to face training we can provide blended on line solutions for some of the theory based courses and modules. For example the introduction to PBS and Attachment programmes. Restrictive Physical Interventions can only be taught face to face. Please contact us for further details.

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Telephone: 086 037 8168 


  email: [email protected]

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